Hiking gear and comfortable clothing are essential for every trekking tour. The experts at Mont Blanc Treks, Chamonix have compiled a list of hiking gear and other important items you will need to carry.
A day rucksack will be required when you opt for a baggage transfer (approximately 20 litres) and a larger rucksack for Mont Blanc Treks and Haute Route multi-day treks without bag transfer (approximately 28- 35 litres). If you have an wish to bring an additional hold-all to put travel clothes and other items not required on the trek, this can be stored at your hotel on the first night if you start and finish in the same location. If you finish in a different location please ask for bag transfer options, an additional cost will apply. Bag transfers are available on request. Get in touch with us for more information.
Treks with bag transfer needn’t carry a change of clothes apart from the nights you are in mountain huts. For treks without a bag transfer, we recommend you travel as light as possible without leaving out any of the essentials.
Sara from Mont Blanc Treks shows how to prepare your kit for your trek
Food & Drink
You will have to carry food and drink in addition to the gear mentioned in the kit list. A packed lunch can be bought from local supermarkets when staying in villages or from the accommodation (ordered this on your arrival). It is important to get your nutrition right, as you will be burning lots of calories each day. It is essential you carry enough water with you so you don’t get dehydrated during the day. On some days it may be possible replenish your water at certain places but this is not always the case. Water purifying tablets are useful in case you run out of water and have to use a mountain stream.

Packing your Rucksack
It's a good idea to have a trial at packing your rucksack beforehand to maximize space, check the weight and get rid of any un-needed items! When packing your sack make sure you pack anything not needed during the trekking day at the bottom and essential gear, food & water at the top. If you are not used to trekking with a heavier rucksack take it out with you when training during the months beforehand.
Washing your kit
The majority of the time you will be staying in good quality hotels, therefore it is easy to wash and dry kit through before the next day. Some hotels will provide a laundry service, please ask for further details. Hotels will provide towels and soap, you will require additional kit for the refuges nights, see below.

Trekking Kit List